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Case Management
Assist a person in accessing necessary services and supports to meet his or her
needs. Services include intake, eligibility determination, service plan
development, arrangement for services, delivery of services, service and support
coordination, monitoring, any safeguards necessary to prevent conflict of
interest between case management and direct service provision, and termination
and discharge from services.
Comprehensive / Residential Services:
We provide 24-hour residential care, employment and other day type services and
transportation. Comprehensive Services is an all inclusive program that is
designed to ensure that all identified needs in your Individualized Plan (IP)
are met. The person receiving services cannot be living with his or her family
if they receive Comprehensive Services. The service provider is responsible for
living arrangements which range from host homes settings with 1-2 persons, to
individualized setting of 1-3 persons, up to group settings of 4-8 persons.
Supported Living Services:
This program is used to supplement already available supports for adults who
either can live independently with limited supports or, if they need extensive
support, are principally supported from other sources, such as the family.
Supported Living Services (SLS) provide a variety of services, such as personal
care (like eating, bathing and dressing) or homemaking needs, employment or
other day type services, accessing his or her community, help with
decision-making, assistive technology, home modification, professional
therapies, transportation, and twenty-four hour emergency assistance. Supported
Living Services are not intended to meet all needs. Service needs and the level
of support are prioritized within the overall Individualized Plan (IP). The
person receiving services is responsible for his or her living arrangements
which can include living with family or in their own place. Up to three persons
receiving services can live together. The person receiving services cannot
require 24-hour supervision paid for only by SLS.
Day Habilitation Services:
We offer facility based services such as sheltered work and specialized
habilitation activities as well as non-facility based services to provide
community participation and community access. Job coaching through Supported
Employment services is available to individuals that would like to work in their
community. Individuals participate in volunteering in conjunction with the
‘Meals on Wheels’ project in both counties.
EBD Homemaker and Personal Care Services:
Alta Vista Alternatives is a non-medical home-care service that enables individuals to live at home and receive the assistance they need to maintain their independence. We can help emotional trauma of leaving your home. We believe you should have a choice in where and how to live and who will provide your care.
Childrens' Services:
Children between birth to adulthood are provided services through the Early Intervention, Family Support and Children's Extensive Services programs.
Trinidad / Las Animas County Location 1205 Congress Drive P O Box 781 Trinidad, CO 81082 Main 719-846-4409 Main 719-846-3388 Fax 719-846-4543 Business Hours Monday thru Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. After Hours / Emergency 719-846-3388
Walsenburg / Huerfano County Location 330 West Ninth Street P O Box 472 Walsenburg, CO 81089 Main 719-738-3151 Fax 719-359-8505 Business Hours Monday thru Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. After Hours / Emergency 719-846-3388