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A brief history of the Agency · Southern Colorado Developmental Disabilities Services was founded in 1965. It was first incorporated as Las Animas County Center for the Handicapped (LACCH). Alta Vista School was one of the original Colorado Community Center Board schools offering educational opportunities for children with developmental disabilities. · LACCH initially served only Las Animas County (Trinidad). Services were started in Huerfano County (Walsenburg) under a separate board. Eventually, the Las Animas and Huerfano County Boards merged as regionalization of services proved cost effective. · LACRC (Las Animas County Rehabilitation Center) opened in 1971, serving 13 adults in Trinidad. The Walsenburg Day Program site, a satellite program of LACRC was opened shortly after In Walsenburg. · SCDDS and LACRC joined resources in 1991 and formed one Board of Directors. · Today SCDDS and LACRC serve approximately 140 individuals in the communities of Trinidad and Walsenburg. SCDDS serves approximately 30 children in early intervention, CES and Family Support programs along with 110 adults in programs designed to promote independence and community inclusion. SCDDS has a strong supported employment program, community inclusion programs based on the philosophy of person centered choices along with group and independent living, supported living and respite services. · SCDDS strives to help individuals and their families in making decisions and options that promote personal choice, independence and community involvement.
Contact Us !
Trinidad / Las Animas County Location 1205 Congress Drive P O Box 781 Trinidad, CO 81082 Main 719-846-4409 Main 719-846-3388 Fax 719-846-4543 Business Hours Monday thru Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. After Hours / Emergency 719-846-3388
Walsenburg / Huerfano County Location 330 West Ninth Street P O Box 472 Walsenburg, CO 81089 Main 719-738-3151 Fax 719-359-8505 Business Hours Monday thru Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. After Hours / Emergency 719-846-3388